The Cornell Glee Club Welcomes Sarah Bowe as Interim Director


It is my pleasure, on behalf of the current students and alumni of the Cornell Glee Club, to welcome Sarah Bowe as Interim Director of the Cornell Glee Club and the Cornell University Chorus.

Ms. Bowe has served as Director of Choral Activities at Central Connecticut State University, and most recently served as Interim Director of the University Chorale at University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Ms. Bowe earned a M.M. and B.M. summa cum laude from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and is a Doctor of Musical Arts candidate at Louisiana State University.

You can learn more about Ms. Bowe and her career at her website.

Please join us in welcoming Sarah to our extended family! We look forward to her contributions to the rich history of choral music at Cornell.

Ben Dohmeier ‘22